5 Simple Ways To Intensify Your MMA Conditioning
Posted by Jurie Burie | Labels: MMA conditioning, MMA strength training, mma workout | Posted On Wednesday, November 4, 2009 at 1:17 AM
5 Simple Ways To Intensify Your MMA Conditioning by Luke Schollmeyer
If you're an MMA fighter or grappler, you need more than just "typical" stuff that passes for conditioning these days. To prepare yourself with the cardiovascular endurance that grinds your opponent down and strength, even at the end of the last round, that can always be called upon, you need need to train with loaded movements and sand bags and kettlebells are some of the best ways are to perform these kinds of movements.
But why these two tools? For one, loaded movements improve your overall conditioning, but in a way where you are simulating primary movements in your sport. Lifting and moving "odd objects" through force is like moving your opponent. Second, by lifting in "rounds" (just like in your competitions), you can work to improve your lactic threshold.
Certainly, stairs, sprints and jumping rope are great for general conditioning and are a part of your overall workout, but little matches the conditioning you get with loaded movements.
Here are some additional techniques for intensifying your MMA conditioning:
Supersets - One can really push your metabolism by using opposing muscles groups, like chest and back or upper and lower body, to perform a fast-paced strength workout. A sample super set with kettlebells and sand bags could be 5 x 5 of clean and press on KBs and 5 x 5 of sand bag squats. Perform a five-rep set of the clean and presses, rest one minute and then do a five-rep set of sandbag squats. Repeat this super set five times.
Burpees - Adding a kettlebell or sandbag with the demanding burpee pushes the intensity through the roof. So, rather than performing the jump portion, clean and press your sandbag or kettlebells overhead.
Circuits - Circuits are two or more exercises performed together. Your strength endurance will greatly improve training this way with your heavy sandbags and kettlebells. Take this sample circuit:
1. Sandbag bent over row x 82. Clean and press with kettlebell x 5 (each arm)3. Sandbag stiff-legged deadlift x 8 repsPerform the above circuit for 5 rounds.
Couplets are amalgams of a sandbag or kettlebell exercise with a bodyweight movement - An example of a couplet routine are 2 armswings and bodyweight squats for 3 x 20 reps each.
Rounds - Pick three or more exercises and perform as many sets as possible with a proposeed number of reps. You might have to do repetitions in descending pattern such as 21 reps on the first set, 15 on the next set and 9 reps per exercise on the last set. By recording your time on these rounds, you can try to better that time the next time around.
A sample set of rounds:
Sandbag clean and press2-hand kettlebell swingsWalking lunges with sandbag
So, your first round you'll do 21 reps of cleans, 21 reps of the swings and then 21 lunges, next round is repeated, but using 15 reps for each exercise. Then, 9 rounds.
By using the varying methods above you can absolutely kick your MMA conditioning into overdrive!
Want to boost your chances in the ring, cage or mat? Want to ensure you have gas in the tank when you need it? Don't leave your conditioning to chance with questionable MMA workouts.
Turbo charge your conditioning with a blend of old school techniques put together with cutting edge science and battle-tested experience.
Check out our free MMA workouts for you to try.
Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/5-Simple-Ways-To-Intensify-Your-MMA-Conditioning/599456
If you're an MMA fighter or grappler, you need more than just "typical" stuff that passes for conditioning these days. To prepare yourself with the cardiovascular endurance that grinds your opponent down and strength, even at the end of the last round, that can always be called upon, you need need to train with loaded movements and sand bags and kettlebells are some of the best ways are to perform these kinds of movements.
But why these two tools? For one, loaded movements improve your overall conditioning, but in a way where you are simulating primary movements in your sport. Lifting and moving "odd objects" through force is like moving your opponent. Second, by lifting in "rounds" (just like in your competitions), you can work to improve your lactic threshold.
Certainly, stairs, sprints and jumping rope are great for general conditioning and are a part of your overall workout, but little matches the conditioning you get with loaded movements.
Here are some additional techniques for intensifying your MMA conditioning:
Supersets - One can really push your metabolism by using opposing muscles groups, like chest and back or upper and lower body, to perform a fast-paced strength workout. A sample super set with kettlebells and sand bags could be 5 x 5 of clean and press on KBs and 5 x 5 of sand bag squats. Perform a five-rep set of the clean and presses, rest one minute and then do a five-rep set of sandbag squats. Repeat this super set five times.
Burpees - Adding a kettlebell or sandbag with the demanding burpee pushes the intensity through the roof. So, rather than performing the jump portion, clean and press your sandbag or kettlebells overhead.
Circuits - Circuits are two or more exercises performed together. Your strength endurance will greatly improve training this way with your heavy sandbags and kettlebells. Take this sample circuit:
1. Sandbag bent over row x 82. Clean and press with kettlebell x 5 (each arm)3. Sandbag stiff-legged deadlift x 8 repsPerform the above circuit for 5 rounds.
Couplets are amalgams of a sandbag or kettlebell exercise with a bodyweight movement - An example of a couplet routine are 2 armswings and bodyweight squats for 3 x 20 reps each.
Rounds - Pick three or more exercises and perform as many sets as possible with a proposeed number of reps. You might have to do repetitions in descending pattern such as 21 reps on the first set, 15 on the next set and 9 reps per exercise on the last set. By recording your time on these rounds, you can try to better that time the next time around.
A sample set of rounds:
Sandbag clean and press2-hand kettlebell swingsWalking lunges with sandbag
So, your first round you'll do 21 reps of cleans, 21 reps of the swings and then 21 lunges, next round is repeated, but using 15 reps for each exercise. Then, 9 rounds.
By using the varying methods above you can absolutely kick your MMA conditioning into overdrive!
Want to boost your chances in the ring, cage or mat? Want to ensure you have gas in the tank when you need it? Don't leave your conditioning to chance with questionable MMA workouts.
Turbo charge your conditioning with a blend of old school techniques put together with cutting edge science and battle-tested experience.
Check out our free MMA workouts for you to try.
Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/5-Simple-Ways-To-Intensify-Your-MMA-Conditioning/599456
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